5 ways dogs improve our mental health


“A dog is man’s best friend” is a colloquialism we all know too well. All dog owners know this concept to be true, but now there is plenty of research that backs up why we feel happier when we have a relationship with a fluffy companion.


Let’s take a look at 5 reasons how dogs are can improve our mental health:


1.    Dogs increase our happy hormones


We are learning that dogs increase the neurotransmitters oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin—all responsible for a good mood. People with mental health problems have been found to have low levels of these brain chemicals. We could argue that interacting with dogs is a natural anti-depressant.


Interacting with dogs has also shown to help cortisol regulation, which is the hormone responsible for stress levels. Thus, Dogs help us manage our stress levels.


On a neurobiological level, dogs are helping us protect against mental illness as well as increasing our happiness levels.


2.    Dogs increase our social interactions


Social isolation is becoming more and more common in the modern world. We are growing away from our so-called “villages”, living alone in apartments and spending most of our time on electronic devices. Dogs can help us reconnect with others.


Studies have shown that the best forms of interactions for our mental health are actually the ones we have with acquaintances not necessarily our close family and friends.


Do you ever just feel in a better mood after having a quick chat with your local butcher or barista? Having a dog helps you have so many of these interactions on a daily basis. People want to say hello to you and your dog. You meet the same dog owners on your regular walks. Strangers will stop to ask all about your pooch. These interactions are terrific for your mental health!


Additionally, there is a community of dog owners and dog lovers out there. And in my experience, they are some of the kindest people probably because they own a dog ;)


3.    Dogs increase our physical exercise


Dogs need exercise. If you own one you automatically increase your movement given they need to go out a few times a day. Walking is one of the best exercises for our physical health and also our mental health. Through walking our dog regularly we quickly meet the standards of doctor recommended exercise minutes, which is about 30 minutes a day.


The physical health benefits of walking include stronger heart and lungs, reduced rate of heart disease, reduced body fat, stronger bones, muscles, and endurance. The mental health benefits include improved sleep, mood, self-perception and self-esteem.


Beyond walking, dogs can also turn us on to new types of physical activity such as running and hiking. They help us get into the natural world and get our endorphins pumping.


4.    Dogs help us live in the moment


Dogs have no concept of past or future they live in the moment. Spending time with our pups help us practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to stay present in the moment and attune to our emotions, our bodies, and our surroundings without overreacting to triggers.


When we play with our pups, go for walks with them or give them a bath it gives us opportunities to enjoy the moment with them and tune in. Practicing mindfulness has several benefits for our mental health, which includes helping us cope with our anxieties and bringing us back to a state of homeostasis.


5.    Dogs offer us companionship.


Many types of animals can offer us companionship, but dogs really offer a particularly special relationship. Dogs are social creatures and through thousands of years they have become our closest companions in a mutually beneficial relationship. The most notable behavior dogs have in relation to humans is their ability to respond to human cues.


We know from looking at DNA evidence that dogs most likely evolved from wolves. A study found that dogs and wolves have differences in certain genes that may be responsible for dogs being more attentive to their human counterparts.


Through their companionship, humans are able to share their days and moments with their fluffy companions, which help overall mental health by increasing feelings of self worth and self-esteem. They give us a sense of purpose and meaning through taking care of each other.

In conclusion, dogs improve our mental health in several ways. Even looking at the picture below of this adorable pup puts a huge smile on my face :)

Angela Tuckerman

Angela is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of California. She is the CEO of Cloud Doodles. She currently resides in Italy with her poodle mix, husband, and toddler.


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